Dog Grooming Day Course
The course is designed to teach basic grooming skills which will enable you to carry out a home groom tailored to your dog’s breed and lifestyle. Techniques used by professional groomers will enable you to perform a simple groom in the comfort of your own home with minimum tools and equipment. During the day you will receive one to one tuition, you will learn how to bathe, dry and prepare your dog’s coat ready for finishing. You will be taught simple styling techniques that will develop and improve every time you groom your dog. For an initial outlay of £250 you will save hundreds of pounds on grooming costs as well as having the satisfaction of being able to groom your own pet.
Included in the price you will receive:-
- One to one tuition on how to prepare, wash, dry and finish to a basic standard
- Three basic items of equipment to get you started (these will vary depending on dog breed but generally include a comb, a brush and nail trimmers)
- Grooming apron
- Lunch
- A comprehensive manual tailored to the groom including tips and pictures of your home grooming training day that will act as a reminder each time you groom your dog
- Guidance and advice on suitable equipment and products which you can purchase via myself with 10% discount on list price
Terms and Conditions apply